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July-September 2023

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

God is good! I am always wanting to say this when I write each of my newsletters, and I do not mean for it to be cliche because it really is the thought I want to convey when I think about everything He has helped me through these past three months. I should have reported more often though since I will be recalling events that happened back in July.

I know some of you see my quick updates on social media, so you have seen how God has answered prayer. The majority of July was spent apartment hunting; after seeing about seven, God blessed me with an apartment that had the appliances I was hoping for. I was able to sign a contract and start moving in the same day, July 29.

On July 30, I was able to submit everything that we had gathered for my visa, and was told to return in a month. No hitches happened, and I picked up my visa the first week of September!

And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Ephesians 1:19

Summer ministry these last three months have been in full swing. I do not want to skim over them like they were nothing, but also know I cannot go into full detail in a small letter.

I have been involved with two weeks of camp that included a teen week with at least three churches represented and a family week for the Ukrainians at the Tyler’s church. The teen week had its difficulties that comes sometimes with disrespect among the teens. But God knew how to lead in the situation and also knew how He was about to work in hearts. On Wednesday night that week, we saw five teens accept Christ as their Savior! Other ministries over these months have included a vacation Bible school at a gypsy village on the outskirts of Timisoara, English clubs with the Ukrainians, and also starting our monthly children’s clubs at the church.

We have been making improvements both to the church and the college. At the college, we finished another section of insulation and some new coats of paint on the interior just as the semester started August 29. The college has also just hosted a conference for pastors and missionaries that serve here all across Romania. The conference was held for encouraging each other in ministry just as the Bible commands us to do, so it was definitely an answer of prayer for me to learn what other works are happening here and hearing of all that God is doing.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6

In the last prayer letter I mentioned a few projects that Bro. Tyler was envisioning. One has been provided for already! The church received a new building container that we are now able to have more classroom space including our new children's church ministry. The next two projects are redoing the roof, which we hope to raise funds for the materials and the men will be replacing themselves, and buying a new van for the church, which we need not only for trips, but transportation on service days. We love our small city cars, but they're not great for fitting many.

I want to thank you as I do at the end of all my letters, but I just wanted to share that I am so thankful that God has let me be a part of this place, and that He is a God that wants to use me to help others. I love how I can already feel that this is my home because of Whose hands have led me here and Who keeps me safeguarded. I thank you for your prayers and pray that you also see God like this in your ministries.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: 1 John 3:1a

In Christ,

Olivia West

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Thank you so much for being interested in the ministry I am involved with in Romania. Deputation was a two and a half year journey, but it was great to see how God provided in many ways. I moved to Romania in May of 2023, and I am excited to be a part of where the Lord is working!

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